
Dear Diary,

Welcome to my life! I finally decided to take a leap and create a blog. After talking about it, thinking about it, researching other blogs – essentially procrastinating for several years – I decided to go for it. I foolishly thought it would be easy (haha!). I enjoy writing. What’s the problem? The problem is that I don’t enjoy computers and they don’t enjoy me apparently. During my initial quest to learn how to become a web designer (because that’s obviously what I am now), I stumbled upon a wonderful site that assured me that I could have a functioning blog up and running in 20 minutes with just a few steps. LOL! I am embarrassed to state exactly how long it took me to get to this point, but it was nowhere near 20 minutes. Add some weeks….errr months and you may get close.

At the height of my frustration I approached my darling husband and suggested that we pay a professional to make this site for me. He looked at me with a smile and said, “Sure honey!” And then he laughed….and he laughed some more. So here we are. As a result of my perseverance (ahem, suffering), I learned how to actually write code for some things I need on the website! WHAT?! Let’s proceed shall we?

Allow me to introduce myself…

I’m Chelle and I am a wife, mother, physician and (newbie) blogger. Why did I want to create this space? Well, in my tagline I wrote that I would like to share what I know, what I believe and what I love. I know that at least one person will read this blog (Hi, Mom!) and I hope that what I post here may educate, inspire and maybe even entertain someone in the same way that I have been educated and encouraged by various blogs over the years.

I spent 11 years training to become a physician followed by years where I then put my medical knowledge to use caring for patients both inside and outside of the hospital. My goal with this blog is to simply share information with you. Information that (I hope) will offer insight and clarity on some medical topics that I feel are current and important – especially regarding women and people of color.

Additionally, a diary isn’t only a place to document information, but it also provides a refuge where one can record experiences, observations, memories, feelings, etc. Everyone has lessons they have acquired through life experience. My life has changed so much since I became a mother and I would love to connect with other parents in this space. I feel that I can offer a bit of a unique perspective because shortly after my daughter was born, I unexpectedly had to transition from full time physician to full time stay at home mom. I have to say that staying home with my toddler every day has been a huge blessing and a huge challenge all at the same time. Isolating during Covid nearly broke me, but she and I made it through intact! I often envied my husband as he left (escaped) for work, but then I also hated the idea of leaving my baby girl. She is growing up so incredibly fast and I don’t want to miss anything!

It’s complicated. Right?

I am now attempting to find some hybrid form of this life where I can remain super involved with my child, but maintain my career that I also love and worked so hard to achieve. I’m not sure that life exists, but I am trying 🙂

Oh! And food…

If I could add “foodie” to my resume I would. I have always loved trying new restaurants and new recipes. My family and I enjoy all types of cuisine and I believe that I’m a pretty good cook and baker. However, I have never really enjoyed cooking when it felt like an obligation. While I have been home, and especially during Covid, I developed a love/hate relationship with cooking and I am constantly on the lookout for simple and delicious recipes (thank you Ina Garten!!) I can use to feed my family. I plan to share some of what I cook and bake here on this blog and I hope you all will share recipes with me in turn.

Well, I think that’s all for now. Again, welcome to my blog and thank you for taking the time to stop by. I hope you will enjoy what you read and leave comments, ask questions etc. I’m so glad that you are here!

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